Metal Carports

      Metal carports are designed to protect cars, trucks, boats, small campers, and other equipment from weather conditions, but they can provide great solutions for a variety of needs. A metal carport can serve as a covered outdoor recreation area, as shaded outdoor workspace, or as open storage.

      metal rv covers

      Metal RV Covers are perfect for housing RVs, Pontoon Boats, Livestock Trailers or other heavy equipment in order to protect those larger investments from harsh weather conditions. They can be designed with different levels of enclosure to maximize protection from weather elements.

      metal Garages

      No matter what you’re planning to use them for, metal garage can provide the convenient protection needed for your vehicles and equipment. Metal garages provide an economical and attractive alternative to building a free-standing garage using typical home building materials.

      metal Greenhouses

      Many homeowners around the country are catching on to the idea of growing their own fresh herbs and vegetables. MaxSteel’s metal greenhouses are the ideal structure for growing your plants year-round in a climate-controlled environment. Greenhouses are available in three economically priced, standard sizes.

      Metal workshop

      A high-quality custom metal building is an ideal structure for a workshop. The welded steel frame and variety of building shapes, color choices and customization options will allow you to configure an ideal metal workshop building that’s able to withstand heavy use and harsh weather elements for years to come.

      metal barns

      Modern barns are cost-effective prefab metal buildings designed to stand up to a wide variety of weather conditions and age. They can be designed with “farm charm” using a large array of color options and customization options, enhancing the value or your property for years to come.

      Metal Industrial

      Metal industrial buildings serve a wide variety of uses where wide-open interior spaces are advantageous. This includes small warehouses, small aircraft hangars, retail establishments, manufacturing operations, agricultural, landscaping material or commercial equipment protection, and much more.

      metal commercial

      MaxSteel commercial metal buildings and structures are constructed with heavy-duty metal panels and framing. A prefab commercial metal building is a cost-effective alternative to a frame or jointed masonry construction type. able to stand up to a wide variety of weather conditions and age.

      Cold Formed Buildings

      Cold-formed steel framing can be used for virtually any type of building, from residential to light commercial, and often represent a solid option in contrast to normal workhorse construction methods such as structural pre-engineered and conventional wood construction.

      Add-Ons & Upgrades

      MaxSteel carries a variety of add-on items and supplies to upgrade the structure of your building to your liking. Whether it be insulation or a unique barrier to control condensation, we have all the essentials and accents to have your metal building be exactly what you need it to be for years to come.

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How to stock your garage for winter

Don’t risk getting blindsided by freezing weather and snow. Preparing for all your winter needs now will help you avoid issues later. Your garage the best place to start stocking up for winter. With a few additions, tweaks and purchases you can be ready for most of Mother Nature’s icy tricks.

The space you have available will affect your options for storing shoes and boots. Always keep in mind the main goal with this holder: to avoid water and sludge being tracked through the house. Whether you purchase a no-fuss holder or simply keep towels on hand to contain the wet shoes, make sure you are prepared. Also consider that your family and visitors may be coming in with more than just slushy shoes. Wet mittens, hats and sometimes snow pants will make it into your home and need a safe place to dry.

Don’t be caught in a snowstorm without a window scraper Put one of these in each car you own. At the point where you are away from home and you find your windshield covered in ice, it will be a lot harder to fix without this tool.

Whether you have an emergency supply kit in your car, house or garage, take the time to make sure the kits include things that would help you get through an emergency in the winter time, such as emergency blankets and things to keep you warm, such as hand warmers. Make sure that whatever you get is appropriate to store in the garage if that is where you are keeping your kit. Also, be mindful of things like candles that may not be a great thing to store in your garage once the weather turns warm. “Create an emergency supply kit for your car. Include jumper cables, sand, a flashlight, warm clothes, blankets, bottled water, and nonperishable snacks. Keep the gas tank full,” suggests Ready. Depending on where you are planning to drive, you may want to have snow chains on hand.

During the months when you don’t need the lawn mower and garden tools, there is no need for them to take up prime shelf and floor space. Move the summer tools and bring in things like the snow shovels and snowblower so that they are easy to access whenever you need them.

If your sleds have been stashed in the back of your garage, now is the time to bring them forward. Make space for them in an easily accessible location so that going sledding doesn’t have to be an ordeal.

As you are stocking your garage and preparing for winter, don’t forget to make sure that the garage itself is ready for winter. For example, you may want to check the weather stripping around doors and have someone come and look at your garage door to make sure it is running smoothly. The last thing you want to do in the winter is find yourself locked out of your garage because the door won’t open. Proper lubrication, healthy springs and working batteries in the garage door opener are a few of the things that a garage door needs to continue working properly.
“If you replace the battery in the remote and it still doesn’t work, give a reputable garage door company a call to diagnose the problem. A new garage door opener is typically not needed, unless yours is more than 10 years old,” recommends Overhead Door.

Giving your winter supplies and garage a little bit of pre-winter attention will help you get through the cold months. If winter has already come to your neighborhood in full force, don’t delay in getting these things done. There is no time like the present to prepare for the future. If you need help with things like garage door repairs or emergency preparedness, make sure to visit a professional near you.


Why Invest in a Metal Building Now

Metal is the most environmentally friendly and long-lasting roofing material available. Because they last for decades, require minimal maintenance and don’t often require the tear-off of an existing asphalt roof…they eliminate the environmental impact of the disposal of a petroleum laden product.

5 Ways to Heat Your Garage This Winter

The typical garage is not designed to stay warm inside when outdoor temperatures are frigid. Keep the garage warm this winter with these 5 key heating and insulating measures, and you’ll have a comfortable space to work year-round.


Whether you’re moving into a new home with your first garage or looking to kick things up a notch with a custom MaxSteel Building, there are a few basics to get you started. Equip your garage with these essentials to make it a happier and more productive place.

Top 9 Essentials for Every Garage Owner

Whether you’re moving into a new home with your first garage or looking to kick things up a notch with a custom MaxSteel Building, there are a few basics to get you started. Equip your garage with these essentials to make it a happier and more productive place.

How to Stock Your Garage for Winter

Whether you’re moving into a new home with your first garage or looking to kick things up a notch with a custom MaxSteel Building, there are a few basics to get you started. Equip your garage with these essentials to make it a happier and more productive place.

How to Winterize Your Barn to Keep Your Horses

Whether you’re moving into a new home with your first garage or looking to kick things up a notch with a custom MaxSteel Building, there are a few basics to get you started. Equip your garage with these essentials to make it a happier and more productive place.

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